Program Notes from Kogyoku Yosakoi (日本語訳は英語の後に続きます)

YOSAKOI is a form of traditional Japanese dance from Kochi prefecture born in the post-WWII era in 1954. The dance took Japan by storm in the 1990’s, and now amasses 2 million dancers and 222 YOSAKOI festivals throughout the country. YOSAKOI also spread its wings to other countries across the globe, and there are now over 50 teams outside of Japan. YOSAKOI only has two rules; to use a hand clapper called Naruko, and to use traditional folk music. Such ease caused YOSAKOI to fuse with more modern genres of dance such as Hip Hop, Jazz, and Break Dancing, creating a clear distinction between YOSAKOI and other forms of traditional dances such as Awa Odori, which has very specific rules and regulations. Because of its energetic and free style, YOSAKOI increased its popularity worldwide, leading to the creation of a fresh new YOSAKOI team, born right here in the Big Apple: KOGYOKU. 

Kogyoku is a fresh and newly formed YOSAKOI team from New York, proudly named after the Big Apple (紅玉 meaning Red Jewel), founded in the summer of 2021.

Kogyoku reflects the diversity of Yosakoi as well as its dancers by exhibiting pieces fusing Japanese traditional music with genres such as hip-hop and jazz. Kogyoku’s team goal is to provide Americans and Japanese Americans an opportunity to mingle, interact, and learn Japanese culture and language through weekly workshops. We also wish to spread Japanese culture throughout the US and give back to New York and Japanese American communities. We will showcase our pride and love for YOSAKOI through passionate and powerful dancing with the crisp clacking of the Naruko. If you like Yosakoi dance, please join our Saturday workshops and dance with us!

The piece we will be performing today is Banzai Naruko Carnival, created in 2021 for the 30th anniversary of the Yosakoi Soran Matsuri in Hokkaido. The song uses Hokkaido’s fishermen folksong Soran Bushi (ソーラんぶし), a song that was popularized by the 1979 drama “Kinpachi Sensei”. In the drama, a group of delinquents engage in practicing the dance with their classmates and discover something that excites and connects the class for the first time. Hokkaido decided to use Soran Bushi for their soh odori so that anyone can come together and enjoy the dance regardless of their background. They kept this song for their revamped Sohodori as the song became an iconic part of Hokkaido culture. 



本日披露する「バンザイ!Naruko Carnival!」は北海道ソーラン祭りの30周年記念に作られた総踊りです。この曲は1979年に大ブームしたドラマ、「金八先生」で人気になったソーラン節を用いた楽曲です。ドラマでは不良達がクラスメイト全員と一致団結し練習したソーラン節のシーンが視聴者の心を掴み、人気曲となったことによって北海道を表す総踊りとして、また、「誰でも一緒に楽しく踊ろう!」という意味も込められ抜擢されました。

*Video plays with sound