All-female Japanese Taiko drumming & dance troupe
“Dance like drumming, drum like dancing”

Cobu was created in 2000 in New York City. Yako Miyamoto, the founder of Cobu, was a veteran member of the off-broadway hit STOMP.
COBU performed for NBA halftime show @ Madison Square Garden, Shakespeare in the park @ The Delacorte Theater, We the Peoples @ United Nations Headquarters. Cobu was the winner of Wella International Trend Talent Award, won the Audience Favorite Award at Fringe Festival, received the Grand Prize by K-ollaboration, and listed as one of the 30 shows to see by Time Out. Furthermore, Hollywood movie director, Mr. Duane Adler, developed a 3D film based on Yako Miyamoto called “Make Your Move” which was released in USA. The film “Musica” (Amazon studios) in which she participated will be released in 2024.
Cobu continues to express the splendor, beauty, and strength of Japan.
日本人初STOMPパフォーマーとなった宮本やこにより2000年にNYで設立され、“Dance Like Drumming, Drum Like Dancing” をモットーに、アメリカ、ヨーロッパで活躍中。
国連本部やNBAのハーフタイムショー、HBOフィルムフェスティバルでのパフォーマンスなどで高い評価を得、宮本をモデルにしたハリウッド映画「MAKE YOUR MOVE」(Duane Adler 監督)が全米公開、また、彼女の参加した映画「ムジカ」(アマゾンスタジオズ)が2024年に公開予定。